So here are some sites that I thought were pretty interesting in the case that this does happen to you:
Stolen Camera Finder: They'll search online to see if pictures taken with your camera have appeared. You just have to upload a photo of yours. In general, handy for finding your serial number-- but if the stolen camera pictures don't get posted to flickr/500px but instead go to facebook (where the EXIF data is stripped from the image)-- you won't find your camera.
STOP labels: Even if you peel the label off, there's a permanent phone number that will be stuck to the device. Mostly seems to be used on laptop devices.
I'm not convinced that adding any of those bluetooth-enabled trackers will help, which is why they're not listed here.
I am however convinced that engraving my name on my camera and probably adding a permanent label to my SD cards might help.... Hopefully this is the first and last camera I lose!